meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Saturday, February 14, 2004

hey phil, if you're reading...

bring some cotton clothing to adelaide. we've just hit a heatwave baby!

woohoo! heatwave. Although I'll get dehydrated and feel pretty yuk sometimes, the sun is shining, I can go swimming, I can wear less clothing and I couldn't be happier.

Apart from the fact I realised I need some more cargo pants cos they are comfy and cool.

Valentines day, schmalentines day!! I'm not likely to receive anything and I don't really mind. I'll get to see some of my friends today at the radio station for the Top 100+1 and have a bit of a laff with everyone. I had my first beer at 11:15ish AM if that gives you an indication (will have to stop now til my shift is over though).

Oh, cept I got a sms from my friend Prof Booty wishing everyone all the bestius goodness there is with a whole lotta beyonces chucked in.
Don't ask me what that means but it was cute! thanx prof!

buck65 made the chart at number 70!! woohoo! i can tell you that, but I can't tell you more!

the whole list will be up on the three d website later.

last night TANK and I went to Brighton beach when it got dark and to visit Molly for her birthday afterwards.

I made more caramelised onion muffins.

goddamn it's hot! I think I'll have to visit Melindas pool later!

Keep cool.

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