meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Saturday, August 09, 2003

"my daddys wig is hairy and big, my daddys wig is as big as a continent, yeh" - go phil you big red fire engine...

i am just going back in time and having a reminiscent time of the last fringe festival where i was lucky enough to encounter the excrutiatingly funny phil nichol.... (i miss ya babe!) and chopping up some of the silly broadcasting we did at the time...
i also have (too many) recordings of the new pollutants, as well as richard easton, aviator lane, and plenty of other schtuff too, will give everyone a full list when i'm done.

my head is again wibbly from looking at a puter for too long...

the radiothon is ending... and we've nearly cracked last years total, so that's pretty bulk ace too. thanks to anyone who rang in and subscribed....

julie xo

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