meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Friday, August 15, 2003

anyone got any suggestions for a career change?? those that personally know me might have somewhat of a better grasp on what might be suitable... however, i'm pretty open to most things at the moment as long as they don't involve data entry for 8 hours a day and being an accounts-tart... but yeh, email them to me at jet_x_presents@yahoo.com.au (and yes I AM serious). I'm possibly considering retail or something more OUTDOORS cos being inside all day is the pits... bah humbug to it, and its little dog too!

probably checking out the testeagles tonight at Flinders Uni because I don't think I've seen them since way back when (like over 5 years) so may as well...
get some party time in with the kids and drink way too much sparkling red...
because beer is bad for me...

booya! julie x

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