meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Sunday, August 17, 2003

"he forgets the punchline when he tells a joke
he wants to stay out he dont want to stay home
til his nicotine fingers are stuck down his throat...
he's just a stereotype
he drinks his age in pints
he has girls every night
and he doesn't really exist...."
(The Specials, Stereotypes)

anyhoo, spent a night around a fire with some kiddywinks drinking some beers and eating yummy carrot cake last night... well i lie, i gave up beer so i didn't drink anything but water and coke... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAH (even tho' it was 3 weeks ago really), hope you got some sleep.... all we needed was marshmallows, why didn't i think of that when i went to the shop... yummo!!

insert first installation of.... "wierd theories put together by debating with other people, in particular announcers, family, and other people that like to hash out subjects with me"....

TOPIC OF DISCUSSION... record companies getting tough on people burning CD's...

1) i'm very anti burning CD's because somewhere down the line (after all the record company costs) these artists have to get paid, and if we do it... they don't...
2) but really.... all of a sudden say christina aguilera is selling 15 million albums instead of an estimated 25 million.... (oh no, she'll be in the doghouse)... has it not occured to these record companies that not EVERYONE in this vast wide world is into popular music...?? there will always be a market for it, but as I know with access to the record library we have at 3d, there are such amazing acts out there producing all sorts of music from all sorts of genres.... that are struggling to get their schtuff together and travel to the next major city, let alone be heard on the other side of the world...
3) i guess that's where stuff like mp3 sites are good so artists can stick up preview tracks etc, what shits me is when people take advantage of it and get sneaky... eg. whomever was responsible for pre-releasing radioheads album over the net... how rude... and jamie olivers cookbook.... now i know these people have more money than you or i, but it's not the point...
4) (and thanks daddio for this one) companies like (for example) Sony produce records, but they also produce hardware, such as, you guessed it.... CD BURNERS!

If you've got anything to add to this
e-mail me

cheerio then, julie xo

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