meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Monday, April 05, 2004

Genre Wars...

So, i'm sure at least some of you who can't hear me in radioland are wonder what the snuuh is Genre Wars...

Well basically, the challenge has been set to a couple of my local musician pals, Nigel Home for the Def, and Mr Speed from the New Pollutants.... to go one on one in what we call GENRE WARS...

Genre Wars is a bit of a competition where we need your help... basically it breaks down like this, ok... I will name a genre, and the guys will have a limited amount of time (perhaps the time it takes to play a track) to find a song they can think of from that genre of music... try and think of a Genre that might stump the boys... and e-mail it to us at genrewars@yahoo.com.au

We will try and organise some sort of prize for the best suggestion, or the one that stumps them the most!

I expect your suggestion.... now!!


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