meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Monday, June 30, 2008


yes i seem to have wasted a lot of time watching some on the weekend... well not wasted i suppose however...

Confetti - British comedy flick about a wedding magazine running a competition for the most original wedding. completely classic characters and generally a laugh.

Fight Club - Do i need to explain this? The First Rule of Fight Club... you do not talk about fight club...

1408 - oh well first of all it has John Cusack AND Samuel L Jackson (looking rather debonaire as he ages i must say)... that room was so MEAN to Cusack in the flick. Just really great though. Except i didnt quite get the end bit... did i miss something? well worth the watch. more a thriller than a horror...

Deathproof - oh. my. god. if youre a chick feeling down and you want to feel the girl power... get this out. its freakn awesome. featuring some of the worlds best stunt CHICKS, a completely awesome car chase or two, and a little bit of gore (well it is tarantino what do you expect). WICKED. i was not disappointed. just loved it. the very very end made me laugh my ass off. great!

have a lovely day.

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