meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

more last weekend pictures...

Aiva & I at the Multicultural Festival - Roma Street Parklands.
Me looking very much like I'd had a day of sneezing! Cos that's exactly what happened!! *ACHOO*

Aiva, Sallie and me in my air stewardess dress at the Clarence Corner Hotel

It was my birthday on Thursday (6 Oct) so we went to the Melbourne for some drinks, then Three Monkeys in West End for a light meal which was lovely. Then last night some nice folk came over to be the guinea pigs for my first trial run of lentil burgers. They were tasteriffic!

I got some jewellery and a calendar to make and some wine for pressies. Thanks guys!

Except my three year plan isn't complete... or anywhere near being complete, so I'm already two days behind on it! bah humbug to me!!


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