meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

movies n music...

Today I have a sore chest, probably from too many cigarettes.

Over the weekend I watched a few flicks I hadn’t seen before…

Uno: Fast Food Nation
Dos: The Holiday
Three: In Her Shoes

Ended up with two Cameron Diaz flicks in there, not exactly sure how that happened but never mind.

Anyways, I enjoyed them all, and all for different reasons.

Fast Food Nation – primarily about some of the business culture there and not putting the boot into anyone in particular, but good points about the desperation of people et al, poor working conditions, morals…

The Holiday – for Jack Black’s kooky renditions of film scores and Kate Winslets consistent ballsing up (particularly of phone conversations, you know what I’m talking about)…

In Her Shoes – well, for the shoes, but quite heart wrenching story about sisters as well… want to watch it again before I take it back… very good indeed. Love anything with Toni Collette of course.

I am off to Stereo Total this evening, muchos looking forward to it. Though I do feel rather knackered, and am sure that I will feel even more so later tonight…


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