meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Sunday, July 25, 2004

"we made up our minds..."

So much has happened this past week I don't even know where to begin...

I have begun going through all of my posessions (again) which, if you know me well, is a long long process!! I don' t know where all this stuff came from, but a large portion of it is exceedingly hard to part with.

I have again become the 'list-lady' writing down what I can sell, and what I will keep, etc etc etc.  I have already started packing items to take to Brisneyland with me.

Yes the plan has officially changed from sneaking off to the US to play in Vegas and the many latin clubs in LA, to moving my existence to a warmer Australian climate.

Depending on one factor in particular (being the possibility of full time work for Oct-Nov at an Adelaide Festival) I will either be out of here mid-Sept or early December.  I'm preparing for the nearest depart date, because whichever happens I'm still going to have to move house (royal pain in my ass).

*aside* - man I wish my record player was working!!!

I have also had the PLEASURE of dealing with the real estate agents again... she's trying to be all nicey nice now, and I understand you have to do your job, but goddamn! I think I deserve some of the commission, considering I had to explain parts of Tenancy Act to said Agent. I don't think that's particularly fair really.

Friday I saw Farenheit 9/11, Michael Moore's most recent offering... I appreciated it a lot.  It's unfortunate the rest of the world has to keep tabs on what the American President and his family is up to, and that it has endangered us all... Though I've kind of agreed with the 'fear factor' part of it for such a long time, based purely on my own observations of commercial media.  It's amazing how controlling some of this can be, and how much it affects people in their daily lives. I refuse to live in fear of anything. (except perhaps myself)

I don't actually watch news really.  I used to watch the late 11 o'clock news because I found it the best, but at the moment, I can't even be arsed to watch that.  As I'm sure I've mentioned before, the information age tires me no end, because it's so hard to keep up with what is going on everywhere... particularly locally when so much of our media is infiltrated by overseas (and in particular US) interests.  I would appreciate news casts more if they left some of it out, and concentrated on local issues... I am glad to hear a Nuclear Dump was stopped in SA, I'm glad to hear Mike Rann want's to abolish plastic bags in supermarkets, I'm glad Merlin got out of Big Brother and protested against refugees in detention in the way he did.

I've had several discussions in the last week or so with a friend regarding the pace of society at the moment, and how we've both struggled of late to keep up.  And I've had an awfully hard time this year trying to please people.  You probably note if I post about a night out, I post about the fact I've attended several events in one evening.

For example - Friday: mooFie with Shaz + Adamski, Cranker for Dr Goodhed + Subwoofer
Saturday -  Old Lion for Eb's farewell, then Jive's first birthday, Grace Emily to meet Lukey

It's hard when people ridicule you for not being able to attend something if you feel tired, or sick or whatever. And I've been damn sick recently, more mentally than physically, with my doctor wanting to perscribe Anti Depressants, but me opting for a more natural approach.

I really try hard to please everyone, and I really try hard to indulge all my senses, but sometimes it just doesn't seem to work.  This said, I also hate being selfish, which is why it pains me so when people think me wanting occasional evenings of rest is me being 'unreliable'.

Lawnmower Music: 93.7FM: Sundays 2-4pm

Salsa Celtica: El Sol De La Noche
Lamb: B Line
Harry Belafonte: Day-O
The Beautiful Girls: Music
The Lucksmiths: T-Shirt Weather
The Louisville Sluggers: Snake Johnny
LOVE SONG DEDICATION: Dionne Warwick: Anyone who had a heart
Ruby's Grace: Wakling Over Sea
Van Morrison: The Way Young Lovers Do
Ugly Duckling: Celebrity
Red Monika: The Aches
Buck 65: Sore (Vocal Mix)
Macromantics: ? Future
Morris Day + The Time: Jungle Love
Chumbawumba: Give the Anarchist a Cigarette
The Afghan Whigs: 66
X: Burning House of Love
Casio Brothers: Everything's Groovy Woovy
Audio Bullys: The Things
Electroteque: Thoughts of mutual understanding
Bleepin' J Squawkins: Paris Bag
Deltron 3030: Time keeps on slipping
Evan Dando: The Outdoor Type
Liam Gerner: This is all we can do
Karma County: Kiss Me
The Grapes: Kitty Can
Gorillaz: Man Research

stuff and things,

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