meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Monday, November 14, 2005

so much has been happening...

but at least i finally feel like i'm on a decent path to some success...

last week i officially got offered my job. I've been there for three months as a temp (sort of as a probationary period) and they must be very happy with me for the wage they've offered me... safe to say it's a decent amount more than what i have ever earnt before. So now where the 'julies not sure what shes doing' was is a 'ill be there til next xmas'...

last sunday pol, michelle, sallie and i ended up at the regatta with michelles friend dean who happens to be a trainer or a coach or something for the aussie cricket team. so most of them were there, and my daddio's quite pissed at me for not getting any autographs (i only actually recognised three of them, but could have been speaking to more than that... who knows?! *shrug* i'm no sport fiend).

at some point, after being convinced to stay longer, someone dropped a glass, which shattered and a piece of glass landed in my foot! the battle scar doesnt look that bad (though its not really healing) but there was blood EVERYWHERE... including on my sketchers high heels from New York... so I had a bit of a carrie moment and was like 'ahhh, my shoes!' and 'ahhh, my fucking foot!'...

didnt do stuff all this weekend apart from take pol her bday present on friday night, spent all day saturday sneezing my head off (yay for lawn mowing) and yesterday went to the west end festival... music and stalls and performance and such. it was fun. velvet ended up with a python at one point (yes a live one) and i bumped into handsome-john and some of the other SOOB crew, offering whatever services i can for next years SOOB (being held in august this time).

the bath is running, cos my skins misbehaving, so best be off!!


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