meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

what have i been doing...?

well yesterday i had to renew my drivers license... exciting.
did some more crosswords...

bought some dvds... finally got 'the last waltz' the scorcese film about 'the band' and Carousel, my fave musical of all time. and some CD-R's for making mix tapes... well mix cd's i suppose you have to say these days.

thats primarily it.... how lame. but i'm enjoying forcing my brain to work on crosswords...

today i've just stuck hair dye in that i need to wash out shortly...

then i'll watch some tele and do some beady things...

then later i'll go get woody and force him to drink at the grace with me!

haha. victory is mine!


ps. heres a pic of trav NASH's last night or thereabouts in RADs... i arrive, he leaves. what the frock?

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