meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Planet Challenge!!

Welcome to Planet Challenge; Population = YOU.

If you will care to oblige me - today is February 7 and by my calculations there are 3 more weeks left in this month; or 21 days if you prefer.

So I'd like to set a little challenge for you all:


*insert little disco dance here*

I'm making up some little rules right now, you can submit your 'tweaks' to these rules if you like and we'll see how the game goes.

Over the next 21 days:

1) You cannot wear anything in your wardrobe more than once;

You know what you wore today?! Guess what you can't wear it again til March 1st!

Obvious exclusions: work wear (uniforms I mean), or if you're like me and currently only have one pair of pants / jeans (I have one pair of jeans, sadly, at the moment after recently parting with an amazing pair), you may wear them more than once.

2) Accessories!! Don't forget them, but you can only wear each of them only once as well.

You know... all those hats you think 'does this look silly?' or the earrings that give you a headache, maybe that tie your boss gave you?! WEAR THEM ALL, at least once; not all at the same time.

3) You can only do a load of laundry once you're down to your last pair of undies and/or socks!!

Think about saving some water, some cash, some time. All good things.

And if you decide, whilst your wearing something during these next three weeks that definitely once and for all you don't want any more, do launder the item if you need to but keep it aside until the end of the month. (I've already started a small box in my room).


Well, I've been thinking about it, and an old friend in Tassie recently held a CLOTHES SWAP. Thought it was a pretty neat idea; so some time after the course of this experiment, all those questionable clothes and accessories you've been puzzling about for some time can get together with some other clothes and accessories and have a part-ay. The leftovers can go to charity.

Besides, it's coming up to the end of summer, but it's still festival season across this great country of ours.

With Adelaide Fringe about to kick off, well, damn straight it's time to let your freak flags fly. Get kooky, get crazy.

That costume-type wear that you never dig cause you may get embarrassed?! Dig it out and wear it.

That stupid skirt you don't wear because you have to iron it?! Iron the blumin' thing and decide once and for all if it should be left all wrinkled in your wardrobe, continued to be worn with pride, or passed on to someone who might not mind ironing whilst watching tele. (ref: my dad - though he probably wouldn't wear a skirt).

Also, all of this month I am doing FebFast, (our team is called Choose Bacon if you want to sponsor us) so I figured a little gathering to have a glass of champagne at the end  of this month some time might be nice. So if you're in A-Town, wanna join in the little challenge and have a little soiree afterwards; leave a comment and let me know you're IN!

One love.

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