meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Thursday, December 18, 2003

to blog or not to blog...

so yesterday, we cooked soups and pigged out. I had originally intended to also cook dinner, however it IS the silly season and some kids had other things to do...

Judy came over to show off her HUGE belly to me! Her baby was kicking and squirming... it's so wierd to feel that happen.

Documentaries on the "October Manifesto" were made... and video explanations on the noise-fest card structure... and the ever popular 'word of the day' explanations as well... tres funny.

So big hello's to everyone that did come by... Ellie, Greg, Aliese, Tom, Melinda, Nicki, Pippa, Judy, Cuchulain + Len.

I think I can safely tell everyone now that the interview I have is for the Knee High Puppeteers working as the Arts Administrator... wish me luck!! Tomorrow afternoon cross your fingers, toes, eyes, arms and legs for me!!

I will write my post on our giggle filled commentary of the apparent 'wedding of the decade' later...
nah stuff it i'll write it now!!

So whilst nursing full stomachs, playing with Judy's stomach and having catch-up chats, Nicki, Judy and I subjected ourselves to the wedding of the Bachelorette (Trista) to a 'cast-member' (Ryan).

I only saw one episode of this show earlier in the year. These shows always confuses me but anyhoo... here are a list of things we'd like to point out... (so I'm a bitch, so shoot me!)

the MOTHER OF THE BRIDE carried cauliflower down the isle...
the PINK (too much pink) chairs didn't even meld colours properly...
and they didn't have enough guests to fill the chairs...
the poor 'runner-up' guy who was IN LOVE WITH TRISTA was made to be roaming "host" of the wedding... the poor guy...
HIS grandmother wore RED against the PINK... bad move...
they seemed to have mic'd up half the audience but I don't understand why...
and the most DISCUSTING thing of all... the wedding of the decade (yeh, whatever) cost 3.7 MILLION dollars!! IN FACT, nearly 3.8 million!!

Okay, now call me an 'activist' (go on, i dare ya) or a humanitarian... now I can see all their arguements in justifying spending this much on a teevee show... HOWEVER.... *huff n puff*


they COULD have made a documentary on THAT and be seen as something more reputable than a schtupid teevee show of a woman who talks like a barbie-chipmunk... marrying a guy who couldn't brush his hair properly...

i'm sure they are very nice people, and I'm sure they're really in love with each other and such... and good for them, but hell a 3.8 million dollar wedding?? I think it's a bit excessive!!

they COULD have spent the money on their local homeless people or something... I mean it's the time for giving is it not?? don't give them 3.8 million dollars worth of PINK!!

They could argue til their blue in the face with me about the fact that we need entertainment, and that they made 10 times that amount of money in advertising... yeh, well good on ya, but you STILL didn't donate a large amount of money to charity did you? no! so BAH HUMBUG to you, and you're little dog too!!

call me rough, call me mean. I don't care, but it SHIT me to TEARS...

and the ceremony was ridiculous... what the heck was pouring coloured sand into a jar supposed to be? never EVER seen that... and I've been to a lot of weddings....!!

i think it's time I started writing some letters...


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