meander, keep moving, that's what it's all about isn't it?! not the hokey pokey, that just CAN'T be what it's all about...

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

lentil soup, and letting a man rub you down...

sounds interesting I know... but really it just meant I cooked up some tasty red lentil and tomato soup yesterday and then Tom came over and gave me a massage! I will post the soup recipe when I've got it nearby...

If you're in Adelaide and you ever need a massage, Tom's your man! (Let me know, I'll get you the number) I slept so well afterwards, and he pretty much fixed up my "broken hip" problem too... 'cept i'm sure I'll screw it up again when I next go for a ride!!

Yesterdays Jerry topic was something to do with sleeping with your mother...!! honestly, where DO they find these people??... I could suggest somewhere, and I think you know where I would say...!!

...and Oprah was about stepping into someone elses shoes for a time to see what it's like... eg. the story of an obese woman, the story of a family where the two parents are two different types of dwarves, subsequently they have 3 regular sized children and one half of the pair of twins is a dwarf as well... interesting look at geneology...!! apparently because the parents aren't the same type of dwarf, the chances were about 50% as to whether the children would be dwarfs themselves...

why don't they make an Aussie daytime show that's decent... I mean, Bert Newton's a legend, but it's such a different vein to Oprah or Jerry... I heard the Jerry producers were in Australia recently looking for wierd stories.

I didn't really watch both these programs in their entirety, more background noise for lunch time cos I spent most of the day doing my regular house pottering/cooking fest for a monday. My day also consisted of walking to the funnest place in the WORLD (add sarcasm and stir) my local dole office!!

BUT hopefully for not much longer, I have found a job in the paper that fits in with my other job pretty perfectly, and it's soooooooooooo up my alley... i wont say what it is yet in case I don't even get an interview... but I'm very excited, it's come at the right time!!

Stuff and things...
the girls are coming over tonight for a 'root and snort' night (i kid, it's what i said to guillaume when he invited me to a gig that's on tonight!!)... no actually it's a eat and chat gathering with maybe a little Amelie on DVD thrown in...

but they'll be NO SOUP FOR YOU!!

Is anyone else sick of the repeats of Seinfeld??!


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